Frequently Asked Questions - Payment

Schools and individuals can order from foreign countries by contacting us for a Proforma Invoice.

The invoice will include the list of items requested and the shipping amount for UPS.

This will not include any Customs  Duty or Tax that your country may impose on imports.

Once you accept the terms outlined in the Proforma Invoice we will provide you will the

infomation needed for you to do a wire transfer.

Once the transfer is varified as completed by our Bank we will ship your order.

Yes, we accept PO's from all schools in the USA.

We will set up your account based on your information on the PO.

Your PO must be signed by your Purchasing Department.

and may be faxed to (951) 693-5166 or emailed to:

We do not accept PO's from Non-Profits, Bussinesses, or Anyone outside the USA.

Yes, we take PayPal and all major credit cards

such as Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover Card.

You will find these options on our check out page.

We do not accept Credit Cards from outside the USA, Canada and Mexico

due to the high rate of credit card fraud in other parts of the world.

Foreign orders must contact us and make arrangements for a wire transfer

to complete their orders.